We the members of Kampala Baptist Church, do in the presence of God, solemnly and joyfully covenant with one another to live a life that is committed to knowing Jesus Christ and making Him known.

We pledge:

  • To lead a life worthy of what we profess,
  • To be mindful of the Scriptures,
  • To give and receive admonition with humility,
  • To have courtesy in speech,
  • To be slow to take offence,
  • To always be ready for reconciliation,
  • To remember one another in prayer, and
  • To encourage each other in anticipating the imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • To strive together for the peace and purity of the church,
  • To contribute cheerfully and regularly as faithful stewards such time, talent and physical possessions in the measure that God shall prosper each of us.
  • Having come to know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, we will demonstrate his Lordship in our lives by continuing to promptly respond to the conviction, leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  • And should we move from Kampala Baptist Church, we will, as soon as possible, unite with another church, where we can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God's word.