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Account Number: 0341212731

Mission Statement

To develop individuals committed to growing in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and leading others to the same commitment, so that we can establish a biblically guided and growing community.

To know Him and make Him known

Our Ministries

Pray With Us

Global and National Concerns:

Countries dealing with extreme weather conditions. Pray for people impacted by heavy rains across the region. Pray for the people of Nairobi.

Students on holiday. Pray for parent/children interactions in the home. Pray that parents will make time to parent children in this season.

Pray for the mature marrieds' and the young adults meetings this afternoon.  

Provision to church members to be able to sustain the needs of their families. Provision for church activities, especially for the love feast that is around the corner.

Pray for training of the Cohort with Pastor Dave Jones this week. Pray for Pastor Ken Jung from California who is visiting us this week.

Families dealing with illness.

Families dealing with loss.

Weekly Activities

Saturday5:00pm - 6:00pmSaturday Worship Service
Sunday10:00am - 11:00amBible Study Hour
11:00am - 12:00amWorship Service
8:00am - 09:00amWorship Service
Tuesday5:40pm - 7:30pmYoung Adults Fellowship.
Thursday5:30pm - 8:00pmChoir Practice
Friday6:00pm - 7:00pmCorporate Prayer Meeting
7:00pm - 10:00pmT.G.I.F (for University Students)

Voice of the Shepherd

Judah has three sons, and the oldest marries Tamar but, after a relatively short marriage, he dies. So, the second son steps up and marries his brother’s widow; but he, too, dies. Tamar asks to marry the third son, but Judah balks: “He’s too young,” he says. He tells her to go back and live with her family and, when the boy grows up, he’ll send for her. Yeah, right.

She goes back to her family and waits but, of course, Judah has no intention of sending for her. So, she takes matters in her own hands. She dresses as a prostitute and sits by the side of the road where she knows Judah will pass. Sure enough, he approaches her and promises if she’ll let him come into her tent, he’ll give her a newborn lamb. He has no idea that it’s Tamar. In the meantime, he promises to leave his signet and cord and staff for her to keep as a pledge until he comes back.

When he comes back with her lamb, she is nowhere to be found. Three months later he’s told that she has played the harlot and is pregnant. He demands that she be put to death. On the day of her execution, she’s brought out before the whole community in ridicule. But before being burned at the stake, she asks to say a final word. The crowd is hushed. She holds up Judah’s signet and cord and says, “It is by the owner of these that I am pregnant.” Judah recognizes his signet and cord and confesses, “She is more righteous than I,” and Tamar is set free.

Judah had been quick to judge her daughter in law and forgot he was as guilty. He assumed that whatever he had done was a lost secret. Why is it so easy to see other people’s sin and miss our own?

Will you ask the Lord to help you unmask unconfessed sin in your life? Bring it all to the cross, so you can enjoy the freedom that comes with forgiveness.