Welcome to Kampala Baptist Church

To known Him & make Him known.

We Purpose to develop individuals committed to growing in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and leading others to the same commitment, so that we can establish a biblically guided and growing community.

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This Week's Sermon

Heroes of Faith: Moses and Rahab

In this sermon, the pastor discusses the heroes of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11, with a focus on Moses and Rahab. The first key point is that faith obeys God's word. The pastor uses the example of Moses and the Israelites applying the blood of a lamb on their doorposts during the Passover, as God had commanded, to illustrate this. The pastor explains that this belief in God's word and action in obedience to it is what brought salvation to the Israelites. The second part of the sermon focuses on Rahab, the woman of Jericho who welcomed the Israelite spies. The pastor highlights that Rahab's faith was demonstrated by her actions in protecting the spies, and that she was spared because of her faith, even though she was not an Israelite. The pastor encourages the congregation to grow in their own faith, standing the test of time, just as these heroes of faith did.

Upcoming Events

Kampala Baptist Men's Ministry Match - June 22nd, 8AM-10AM

The Kampala Baptist Men's Ministry Medical Mission is on this September from 2nd to 6th. Plan to participate

Upcoming Events

Prayer Needs

Global and National Concerns

  1. Thank God for the Fathers that have faithfully fulfilled their role. Pray for more responsible fathers in our country.
  2. Pray for the many people wholost their home in the recent clean up of the Lubigi wetland. Pray especially for the children impactedby this exercise. Pray for the people in authority as they make decisions for the city.
  3. Pray for the ministry activities this week: The Zonal Meetings today, the children's programs, the men's event and the upcoming business meeting next Sunday.
  4. Pray for muslims celebrating Eid that "Seeking Allah they will find Jesus".
  5. Pray for nations at war and for the people displaced by war.
  6. Families dealing with illness.
  7. Families dealing with loss.

Our Weekly Activities

Day Time Activity(ies)
Mon 05:30am Prayer in the Hut
Tue 06:30am Corporate Prayer Meeting (on hold)
Wed 05:30pm - 06:15pm Youth bible study
Thur 05:30pm - 08:45pm Choir Practice
  • 06:45pm - 08:45pm
  • 07:00pm - 08:00pm
  • Campus Students' TGIF
  • Online Prayer Meeting
    04:30pm - 05:30pm
saturday Worship Service
  • 08:00am - 09:00am
  • 09:30am - 10:30am
  • 11:00am - 12:15m
  • First Service
  • Second Service
  • Thrid Service